2023 ICS Training Recap

On October 17 and 18, Jacksonville Spillage Control hosted an Incident Commander Course and Tabletop Exercise at the JEA Conservation Center. Over 30 students attended this outstanding training conducted by Doug Schuster and his team at Planning and Prevention Solutions.

Building on a previous Incident Commander Workshop and ICS-200 concepts, students learned how to conduct Initial Incident Briefings and Initial Unified Command meetings. Attendees developed incident priorities and objectives, set limitations/constraints, and made key decisions about the incident. All students received an ICS-310 completion certificate which allows them to serve as an Incident Commander in the initial stages of a type 3 event and for the duration of all type 4 and type 5 incidents.

As always, Jacksonville Spillage Control covered the cost of this training for all attendees. We highly encourage all members to send at least one representative to future ICS training courses. Management of large events using ICS is mandated. Federal, State, and local agencies will expect you to be proficient. The time you invest in this training will be well worth it and could have major benefits in the event of an unfortunate incident.

Jim McLaughlin